Benefits of the CP+PLUS Program for Employers

Benefits of the CP+PLUS Program for Employers

As an employer, the CP+PLUS program offers clear benefits to your employees and also to YOU!

  • You get 100%of all the tax and Workers’ Compensation savings.
  • The program is done from your current compensation plan, not in addition too.
  • Demonstrates Employee Commitment: Your employees get the payroll tax savings they deserve.
  • Demonstrates Employee Appreciation: Increases employee take-home pay.
  • You outsource the complete administration to the experts.
  • No extra work for your administration staff.
  • The employees pay the fee from their increased take-home pay. No-cost to you.

These reasons and more are why CP+PLUS is gaining reputation and commitment from great strategic partners in many industries. Bring the CP+PLUS benefit to your employees to demonstrate your commitment to them and your forward thinking approach to managing your business with this new benefit!