Our team of experts will walk you through the process step by step, enrolling and educating your members with personalized materials and a program launch meeting. Email our team or contact our corporate office to connect to one of our team members.

Our Mission
The CP+PLUS Mission is to bring an Accountable Reimbursement Plan to all employees who do not have one today. This will save their employer money on matching payroll taxes and workers’ compensation insurance, along with outsourcing the complete administration. Thus, giving their employees the tax-break they deserve, increasing their take-home pay on every paycheck.
Our Story
In 2001, the IRS gave the workers in the Pipeline Industry a special industry resolution. These employees receive a portion of their wages tax-free for their out-of-pocket job-related expenses without receipts. In 2006, CP+PLUS Services, Inc. made a decision to bring to the many other employees who incur out-of-pocket job-related expenses, teachers, police officers, nurses, construction, etc. the same payroll tax savings as the Pipeline workers. The difference, tax law makes other industries do it with receipts.
CP+PLUS designed a system that makes expense receipt submittal easy for employee and completely eliminates any work for the employer! Our customized online platforms from Citrix and QuickBooks allows complete compliance for business expense reimbursement tax laws.
CP+PLUS administers our plan to business, public and private, throughout the country and the U.S. Territory of Guam.
Today, CP+PLUS is the ONLY third-party administrator in the U.S. that incorporates sections 61 and 62 of the Internal Revenue Code to allow employees and their employers to allocate a portion of the employees wages, used for qualified business expenses and converts that money into an expense reimbursement arrangement under the rules of an accountable plan.